Tuesday, June 24, 2008

up to now


father's day turned out hard. i was worrying about my mom all day long but i felt just fine otherwise, til i hear chad talking to his daddy and WHAM! gushing flow of tears from no where. i miss him and it really makes me sad that someday, when chad gets brave, my daddy wont be there to walk me down the aisle. the last time i talked to my dad was at a friends wedding (their one year anniversary was yesterday) and i was crying then too.

volleyball last night was HORRIBLE. 0-4. holy crap that sucked. i dont usually let games get to me, but i KNOW we are better than we played last night.

been helping chad out with house stuff. poor guy. it's been a month since letter of intent was signed, but he still has no contract, so he cant put any of his decisions in stone yet. SOOOO many things to decide on too....flooring, cabinets, paint, light fixtures, appliances. seems like we look at one thing and realize, oh! look at that, 5 more things to decide on. it makes me feel good that he wants my input so much. :o)

work is SLOOOOW. thus - i'm here!

my canoe trip looks to be a little smaller than last year, though we are still approaching 20 canoers. i'm not quite as excited about it this year for some reason. but i do remember years past (most at least) SOOOO much fun. so i'm hopeful.

i get to babysit tomorrow night. riley (noel's little girl) is soooo gorgeous. her daddy will be playing volleyball, while mommy works, so "aunt" tuesday gets to enjoy the little girl.

i'm also going home to see my mommy tomorrow night i think. i just gotta find an alternate route. dang flooding back home. mom doesnt know i'm coming...shhhh....

so, you're just about caught up with me.... if i think of something, i'll be back.

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